About the Artist

Erika (aka Carnival or simply Carni) is a Tasmanian-born Aussie specialising in Anthropomorphic Design & Illustration.

At present I reside in Melbourne, (Victoria, Australia) with my wonderful housemates, 2 feline furballs; Domino & Raven plus Blanc the Marbled Gecko whilst practicing the ancient art of ‘Drawing cool sht’

I identify Pan, Poly & Demi with no strict preference on pronouns; use whatever feels right!

Endlessly enjoy working with folks in bringing dreams to life through creative expression!

Artwork, cooking, bedside philosophy, it’s all great!


Telegram Channel and Public Chat

Most Active (daily) through these two!

🍉 Twitch 🍉

Can catch Streaming Art-Working here!

🍏 Ko-Fi 🍏
🍎 Ko-Fi Com Info Page 🍎

Tipping location (Monthly Subscription rewards available)
& where the Monthly Stream Events are run from also ♥

🍌 FurAffinity 🍌
🍊 DeviantART 🍊

Dedicated Galleries with sub-folders
(Though I’m lazy with maintaining the folders on DA.. but that features an ‘in-gallery search function*‘ so it’s a pinch redundant anyways?)
*Not sure how well that works on Mobile though

🍒 Twitter 🍒
🥝 FaceBook 🥝

Where WiPs & bits get posted alongside finished pieces + other cool resources get shared n retweeted ❤️

🥥 Pillowfort 🥥

A kind of in-betweener to the FA/DA & Twitter/FB pages

🍍 Instagram 🍍

Pets, Food and general snaps with some art bits thrown in

🍇 Carrd 🍇

See this list again but as a ‘mo colourful’ digital Online businesscard ♥