Here’s a bit of info about how to order!

Primarily I (Carni) Takes Orders via in-Stream Commissioning these days!

With a new art-theme each month!
For the Purposes of booking in an order during the Convention: Booking through this Same method will be how it’s done! ♥

Coms run Pay What You Want (over a minimum of at least 35$AUD starting with rough head sketches)

— Orders will be queued up for working off in March: but you will be contacted directly regarding bookings made over the weekend 

— See Below for More Details on how, examples, a loose pricing guide as to ‘what amount gets what’ roughlyAnd Cheers~!
Look forward to Working with you!



♥ Have a Read through this page to see what rough price-per-expectation is like
(Examples, Pricing Guide and FAQs Below)

♥ Donate the desired amount @ my Ko-fi ( https://ko-fi.com/carniart ) with;
• Your nominated Character(s) (Ref(s), names & species for them also!)
• A Listing/Links to (all/preferred) your Social Media Pages
*If you do not have online-links to reference material, or brief description & links do not fit in the small field that Ko-fi offers, then send a DM on Ko-fi shortly after booking <there should be a button for that once the donation has been made>

♥ Rock up on the day in Stream! (Only if you want to watch that unfold beyond!)
*Otherwise simply following the instructions on the date will secure you a booking also: no presence strictly required!

It’s that simple


All your Social Media Contacts! (Twitter/FA/Telegram etc)
Character Refs: Name and Species is useful also!
—(If buying for, or including, a friend) Their Social Media pages as well for crediting when uploading!

🔹 Cannot stress this enough everyone! 🔹

Even if you have ordered many times before, please include all the above info for ease of processing your order every time so I don’t gotta stop drawing to chase you up during or after the event! 😈

♥ Then you’ll get queued up and scribbles drawn during the Stream!
(or the next day/next stream/etc *Only if the list gets heckin’ long beyond)

🔴 Donations must be 35$AUD, or above, per character featuring
(anything under that and it’s just considered a tip/but not necessarily going to result in art)


Tend to put up posters once live on the Day, otherwise can pre-emptive follow this Twitch account for notifications on when that is live;

And Streams often have a mix of Music and Mic also!

See below for Examples, a rough Pricing Guide & more details on Telegram Scribble Style Stickers ordering also!


Here are a few choice examples pages, otherwise [click here] for infinitely more!

💵 Loose Pricing guide 💵

Here’s a loose (Emphasis on the loose: these will always, specifically, run rather ‘wing-it’) price-vs-expectation guide for the Ko-fi commission ordering ♥

*Consider itmore as ‘hiring for an amount of time’ over ‘static prices per single items’

A 35$ minimum Starts with a loose and Sketchy headshot or really cartoony scribbly (and not necessarily coloured either)

50-75$ will either result in the same but likely with a bit of colour or toning.
—Unless I get a better or different idea for a given character presented which might see a larger cropping (waist-up for example, or fuller body, whether that leaves enough time to polish/colour more info that is up in the air)

$100+ typically allows enough time for what you get coloured up

150$+ typically about ‘half a page’s-worth of canvas, and/or much more polish or a more complicated depiction
(use of perspective, etc. Easily covers more complexly design characters to still be drawn & coloured up also)

Beyond 180-200$ start to be in the realms of multiple things getting drawn for someone on a single order
be a very polished single piece, with nice light-&-shading, more vibrancy n depth!

300$+ on a single order almost always lands someone an entire page to themselves. ♥ : Recommended for more full-body type illustration
<*And if a character is rather complex, or after a bit of a backdrop to go with: more towards will be required>

etc beyond

This guide is listed in AUD & is based around going of a single character being the subject

Multiple character(s)/reference(s) being provided usually split the credit nominated down the middle for them to be drawn respectively.
(an order of 100$ over 2 character = 50$ each allotted for example)

🍥 Stickers Order Details 🍥

‘Scribble-Style’ stickers available too! (For the intention of using on telegram) but can be utilised however.
(As Avatars, Emotes on other Platforms, etc)

🔹 Allow roughly 45-60$aud per single character sticker give or take.
Very complex character, expressions or poses wanted on the upper end

— And double the amount for the addition of another character or YCH figures in the one sticker

🔸 And that is art-make pricing ONLY

To have that cut out, white-stroke/drop-shadowed and sent to you as a ready-to-go PNG or made up into a pack for you will cost more
Using any left over credit first of course!

*Just tend not to factor that into initial booking credit in favour getting the art accurate

🔹If you also go in intending to have a preview sheet made up for those also that may cost a bit more additionally
(Ask anytime about that!)
Otherwise I’ll be making those up at my own discretion!


And for anyone interested; here’s a Listing of all the packs I’ve made or contributed toward
*Packs featured are for a bunch of clients recently + a few own personal ones

❔ Final Kofi-Com FAQs ❔

NO ARTWORK PURCHASED is to EVER be used to any any part toward AiArt Training or repercussion!

This is absolutely non-negotiable and applies to all artwork, in any capacity or level of completion, over any and all artwork purchased at any time from me: past, present or future.

♥ Is the Artwork drawn at print resolution?

Sure is!

—And you will receive both the print & web resolution files shortly after completion! 💕

♥ Can I Order present-art for friends?

Tha’ hek YES, COURSE you can, you utterly sweet bean!
(Please do include their social-media pages for crediting too though when booking!)

♥ Can I use art drawn me for as an avatar?

Sure can!

(If you might like that cropped down for you to a desired sizing & file-type; can discuss upon completion.
*May end up costing a few dollars more to produce)

♥ Can I resell artwork booked this way (on say, merch stuff/etc)?

⛔️ No you may not.

— We can, however, discuss the purchase of a reselling license before or after booking if you might like to be able to!

♥ I bought a Scribble but it didn’t get coloured.. Can I pay extra to get that?


ANY and ALL Ko-fi Scribble bookings are happily worked into further beyond what you get presented for extra credit! ❤️
(*Coloured in is just one example, but if you might like things like; an expression-change alternate version, an outfit alteration, another character added in to a pre-existing scribble, etc, then sure! Just ask!)

..And that, should be pretty much everything you need to know in regards to the Ko-fi Stream Commissioning! ^_^

—If you have any further questions, ask them over in the Telegram Channel Chat for the quickest way to get a response from the artist or mods! ♥
Otherwise direct-message on any frequently used social media Pages! (There is an e-mail inbox [ mail(at)carniart.com ] I really am terrible at checking that however!