(June &) July•2024 Theme

GOODness May sure imploded in a pretty intense manner (taking a buncha June with it too!)

So Starting fresh with a July Schedule (which will include the final 2 days of June I’m wanting to Stream also)

— Shall make an attempt to come back to the Multi-May theme (..once again, with GUSTO!) when there’s more of a free’d up stretch (from back-log catch up and Event Preparation)

Jun-uly Pride!!!

“Rainbows and Minority Visibility + Support NEVER goes outta fashion!”

— Coasting on from June Pride month Vibes

— But mostly catching up a clogged back-log that piled up over May 😅


Stream Dates:

  • (June) 25th (Int. Hug A Deer & Rainbow Flag Day)
  • (June) *28th (Int. Pineapple Day)

  • 1st (International Fruit Day)
  • 2nd (Raspberry Cheesecake Day)
  • 4th (Int. Whippet Day)
  • 8th (International Body Painting Day)
  • 12th (Int. Raw Food & Vegetarian Day)
  • 15th (Int. Non-Binary & Orca Day yesterday!)
  • 16th (World Snake & Drag Day)
  • 18th (World Listening & ‘Get to Know Your Customers’ Day)

  • — 25th-29th (Attending the AuRAWRa Convention interstate with Sksh, Kraden and Dauz!!)
  • — Aug 4th (Hosting, Attending & Trading at the Melbourne Furry Makers Market with Sksh, Kraden and Dauz also!)

Typically soft-aim to start about 2pm each day
[+10GTM: Australia Melbourne Time, a day ahead for some folks in the world!]


[‘How To Order’ Details here!]

And see ya’ll Stream’Side soon!